domingo, 27 de julho de 2008


Shrapnel é uma nova graphic novel de Nick Sagan (filho de Carl Sagan) e M. Zachary Sherman.

Sendo o primeiro de uma trilogia, com boas hipóteses de se vir a tornar filme, Shrapnel conta com a ajuda de Syd Mead - que desenhou os mechs que se vêem no livro.
(Para quem estiver esquecido, Mead é o responsável pelo "look" de filmes como Blade Runner, TRON, Aliens e 2010)

Shrapnel focuses on a future where humanity has reached out and colonized the Solar System and a Solar Alliance governs the planets similarly to the way ancient Rome dominated over their territories.  Venus, the last free colony in the system, must do what it can to battle the domineering Marine forces of the Alliance in order to remain sovereign.  Unbeknownst to the Marines, or even the Colonists themselves, one of the Alliance’s greatest heroes has exiled herself on the lost planet, hoping to escape the life she once knew as a soldier.  Now, pulled back into the fold, she must teach the Colonist how to fight for their freedom and come to terms with her own past.

via [BoingBoing]

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